Great Deals from select logistics business partners!

Customs Bonded Pallet Storage, UK Customs Clearance & Freight Platforms

JWS Consultants helps businesses find the most cost-effective logistics solutions. We negotiate with a network of trusted providers to get you the best rates on freight shipping, warehousing, and other logistics services.

We have clients whose services could offer some valuable solutions for your needs. Here are some areas where they might be a good fit:

Warehouse Pallet Storage:Warehouse east of London

A major freight forwarder with 11,000 UK pallet spaces (or 16,000 Euro pallet spaces) in a brand-new, food-grade warehouse at Tilbury/The London Gateway. They also offer excellent UK and European distribution capabilities.

Customs Clearance:

Customs specialists with expertise in streamlining European and international movements; (they handle all customs work including food!). If your current brokerage doesn't provide: UK Customs Clearance
  • Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) services
  • Their own customs warehousing and storage facilities
  • Customs warehousing
  • Temporary export and import facilities
  • Customs consulative assistance, and
  • VAT warehousing

then contact JWS today and we will connect you directly with our client for a no-obligation discussion.

Digital freight platformDelivery Platform: 

A popular digital freight platform offering reliable service, lane contracting, shipment tracking, and POD/invoice management - all in one place!

Would you be interested in learning more?  We would be happy to connect you directly with the relevant client for a no-obligation discussion.

Did you exceptional cases, and only where your product or service is a market leader and of sufficiently quality, it's even possible to work with JWS on an introductory/commission basis.
Stop wasting time and money on inefficient logistics. Contact JWS Consultants today and let us connect you with the perfect solution for your business!

Logistics Consultants

We provide consultancy service sto logistics companies and shippers.

Logistics Consultantancy

Logistics Sales Lead Generation

Uncover hidden revenue streams and unlock your logistics company's growth potential with our expert opportunity prospecting services. Lead Generation (Inbound & Outbound) attract qualified leads through targeted marketing campaigns, effective sales prospecting, and strategic networking...

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Logistics Sales Resource

Unleash Your Logistics Sales Potential with JWS Consultants. Often the size of the challenge and ambition to develop and meet sales targets can be too great to achieve without some external help. Get expert guidance and support for critical sales projects or fill temporary sales leadership gaps...

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